Friday, 28 May 2021

Chapter 8. Listen to the signs

The Janergy Effect e-book link

Do you ever consciously listen to the signs that are sent and meant for you? Or do you brush them aside even though they may continue to present time and time again? I try to make a conscious practice of listening to the signs, even though at times I wonder what the fuck the signs are trying to tell me.

Signs are a universal gift that are consciously or subconsciously telling us things we need to know and all we need to do is listen to them and choose to follow if we wish. Sometimes signs continue to present, until you have no choice but to listen.

Along with signs is the power of synchronicity and serendipity. The feeling you get when you meet a particular person, or feel an alignment that brings you a sense of peace and wonderment as to whether it was a weird coincidence, or something that was meant to be.

Both signs and synchronicity are things that have played a part in my life for a very long time even though I did begin to question their existence when my life started to take what I thought were backward steps.

Here’s some of the signs I have had. 

I had the “this might save your life” sign, when I refused to return a video to a store because I suddenly felt really ill. This really annoyed my mother as she had to take the video back to the store herself only to find that there had been a robbery. I would have been right in the middle of it if I had made the detour. My body was sending me a sign to keep me safe and avoid something that could have had a terrible outcome for me.

I had the “this is gonna change your life” sign, when that horrendous storm gave me the financial means to make the big move to Melbourne. Oh that storm – if it hadn’t been for that storm that cut through a very narrow pathway in our city, I may not be on the wonderful pathway I am now on.

I had the “I really need help to find this “thing”” sign, when I have been wanting something in my life and have been led to exactly where I could find it. I remember many years ago I was looking for a particular book and I went to every second-hand bookshop I could find in Brisbane and no one had this book. The internet wasn’t a thing back then, so there was no way to google it, but one day, I was on holidays in Gosford, a small town in New South Wales and I happened to be walking along a street and walked past a second-hand bookstore. I kept walking, not even acknowledging that it was a bookstore and then I had a flash – I had to go into that store. The pull was too strong, so back I went and guess what, they had a copy of the book I had been searching for. The universe didn’t deliver right when I wanted it to, but it did deliver.

I’ve had dreams which have also been signs to alert me to things that I need to take notice of and I had a sign a few days before I found out about my son’s addiction. Call it mother’s intuition if you will, but I remember vividly that I had an overwhelming sense of something being wrong.

And I had the “what are you doing with this idiot” sign which I should have listened to when it first presented shortly after we met.

Sometimes you listen to the signs and sometimes you don’t….. and for the last one, the combination of signs and feelings became blurred until the point came that once I made a conscious decision to take action, the signs began to flow.

Now what about those themes that keep popping up and you wonder why.

I have always had a love of hearts and even bought my special heart rocks with me to Melbourne and as I began to tune back into my own wavelength again, I would discover that I would see hearts everywhere.

Written in the sky when I was out for a walk.


On the ground as I walked by

Even the end of a dying leaf and a puddle of water were in the shape of hearts. There was no escaping them.

And hearts weren’t the only thing that were presenting themselves in my path. Playing cards became a thing I would begin to stumble across more and more. They were everywhere. I initially thought that because I lived near the casino that they were used cards that had been thrown away, but generally their cards will have some kind of hole punched through them to show that they had been used.

When I picked up a card, I would always go home, google what it meant and then pin it to my board. They, like the tarot also have meaning and on one particular day, I put a call out to the universe telling me that it was time to send me some love and when I was in the most random place in the city, I found the biggest playing card ever….the 5 of hearts and it was twice as big as a normal card. I told the universe it wasn’t quite what I was asking for, but it was on the right track.

The cards I was finding were random cards in random places and I always stopped to pick them up. Unlike Jack Berger from Sex and the City who was hoping to find a full deck of cards as he collected them from all over New York City, I was just enjoying the happy accidents of finding random playing cards and turning them into a piece of wall art. By the time I left Melbourne, my card board was quite full and all the cards are still packed safely away, waiting for the time they will show their hand again.   

Pick a card, any card!


With my fluctuating feelings of “have I made the right decision to leave my marriage, have I made the right decision to move to Melbourne”, I was given a very clear sign that I had done the right thing. In fact, it was the street signs that were forcing me to take note, even if I didn’t want to.

On this particular day, I woke up feeling that same sense of frustration. There was loneliness, I was financially struggling, and once again, I was wondering If I had made the right decision to pack up and move.

The best way I knew how to move through these feelings was to get moving and change my focus, so I did just that.

I headed out to find a place to take my outfit photo and there was never any shortage of fabulous spots. I drove around the local area for a while and then took a wrong turn. Now this wasn’t just any wrong turn, this was a wrong turn onto the Westgate Bridge in Melbourne and from that, there was no turning back. I hoped there wasn’t too much traffic and I hoped the first exit wasn’t too far away.

My first thought when this wrong turn happened was to panic, because I used to be very good at that and I was exceptional at panicking especially when I was in heavy traffic. But to my relief, it was a free road ahead, so I just calmly drove to the first exit.

Once I made it off the freeway, I decided to just meander along the road and let it take me wherever. I had actually stumbled into a very beautiful part of town and I eventually ended up at the beach and decided to stop for a while and embrace the lostness.

As I was leaving, I took the drive back further on in the other direction and when I found a place to stop, I walked over to the pier to find a place to take my outfit of the day photo. That’s what I had set out to do after all. After taking my snap, I stayed on the seat and just enjoyed the scenery. I hadn’t been paying too much attention to the bigger picture of what was around me but certainly noticed the sun reflecting on the water, the boats bobbing up and down and then I saw it, the full cityscape, and for that moment, I felt like the ladybug who may have seemed lost, but in reality, had probably landed where she was meant to be.

As I looked at the city in the distance from this wonderful angle, I was so glad that the wrong turn happened. It was a sign. A sign to clearly remind me that this was home.

Whether it be moments of coincidence, synchronicity, or full-blown signs that flash like neon in front of your face, they are out there waiting for you and you just have to be open to them when the present.

Here’s some ways to listen to the signs that are meant for us.

  1. Ask the universe for a sign. Whether you call it your higher self, the universal law or divine intervention, the universe is constantly sending the messaging and direction for us, even though at times, we mightn’t realise it.
  2. Pay attention and be open. Is there any themes or feelings that keep coming up for you? Numbers, random hearts or cards or a yearning to follow a path that you are being called to for example. Follow that gut feeling or the spark of a thought, as it may lead you to exactly where you are meant to be or to what you are looking for.
  3. Believe to receive. I was never a believer in miracles, but miracles happen every day – whether it is getting the carpark outside the door to the shopping centre or like me, getting a job at a time I thought truly impossible (more about that later).
  4. Are you dreams telling you things? Are they giving you hints and messages of things to take note of? Write them down and see if there are any patterns.
  5. Encounters - do you run into random people and find that they have an answer that you were seeking? Does the phone ring when you are about to call the person who is has just called you? Are you humming a song and suddenly you hear it on the radio, or in a shop?

Listen to the signs, they are all around us and what may seem like coincidences, synchronicities or serendipitous moments are a way of telling us that we are on the right path.

At times I have felt the frustration of not getting what it is I think I want when in fact I seem to be clearly heading to where it is I am meant to be and even as I sit in this here right now typing away, I am happy in the knowing that all signs were sending me to be in this very place at this very moment.